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Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya B.Sc. I semester Syllabus


                                  Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya I semester Syllabus

                                                       BCS-101 OPERATING SYSTEMS 

Core Course: 01 Marks:                                                                                                          100 Total Credit: 06 Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to

● Demonstrate need for operating system and different types of operating system.

 ● Apply suitable techniques for management of different resources.

 ● Use processor, memory, storage and file system commands. 

● Understand the process management policies and scheduling of processes by CPU.

 ● Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by operating system.



Introduction: Definition, Computer-System Architecture, Types of Operating System, Micro Kernel and Monolithic Operating System, Special-Purpose Systems, Operating-System Operations, Computing Environments, operating system services, User Operating System Interface, System Calls and their types.


CPU Scheduling: concepts, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms. Inter-process communication, Mutual exclusion problem and critical section. Process synchronization, Classical IPC problems: Producer Consumer problem, Dinning Philosophers problem, semaphores. Deadlock: Necessary Conditions, deadlock handling methods: Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock detection and recovery, Deadlock avoidance, Bankers Algorithm. 


Memory Management: Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation. Virtual Memory Background, Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Thrashing. 


File System Implementation, File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File Sharing, Protection. File System Structure, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-space Management, Recovery. 


 I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O to Hardware Operations, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management.


1. “An Introduction to Operating Systems”, H. M. Dietal, Addition Wesley 

2. “Modern Operating Systems”, Andrew S Tanenbaum.

 3. “Operating System Concepts”, 2nd Edition - Peterson & Silberschatz, Addison Wesely

 4. “Operating Systems”, Mardrick and Donovan, Mcgraw Hill

 5. “Principles of Operating Systems”, Ullman, Galgotia Publications.

 6. “Operating System Concepts”, Galvino & Silberschatz, Addison Wesely,( Latest Edition) 

                                      BCS-102 COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 

Core Course: 02                                                                                                                  Marks: 100 Total Credit: 06 Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to 

● Introduce the basic organization of computer system.

 ● Describe control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism.

 ● Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers. 

● Categorize memory organization and explain the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.

 ● Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms


Computer Organization: Introduction, Von Neumann Architecture, Harvard Architecture, Functional Units and Components in Computer Organization, Program Development Tools, Machine Language, Assembly Language, Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Instruction cycle. 


Central Processing Unit: Stack organization, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, DATA Transfer and manipulation, Program control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC), Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC).


 Pipeline & Vector Processing: Basic Concepts in Pipelining, speed-up, throughput, efficiency, instruction pipeline, Instruction Pre-fetch and Branch Handling , Data Buffering, Internal Forwarding, Data Dependant Hazards. 


 The Memory System: Memory Hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Associative memory, Cache memory, Virtual memory, Memory management hardware. 


Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous data transfer Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt, Direct memory Access, Memory mapped I/O, Input –Output Processor (IOP). 


1. “Computer System Architecture”, M.Moris Mano, 3rd Edition, PHI / Pearson, 2006. 

2. “Computer Organization and Architecture”, William Stallings 7th Edition, PHI/Pearson, 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS: 

1. “Computer Organization”, Car Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic & Safwat Zaky, 5th Edition, TMH, 2002.

 2. “Computer Architecture and Organization”, John P. Hayes, TMH International Editions, 1998.

 3. “Computer Architecture and Organization”, Raj Kamal, Nicholas Carter, 2nd Edition, TMH Education, 2009

 4. “Introduction to computer architecture”, Stones S. Galgotia Publication 

5. “Computer Organization and Architecture design for Performance”, 4th edition - W. Stallings, PHI

 6. “Computer Engineering - Hardware Design”, M. Morris Mano, PHI 

7. “Computer Architecture and parallel processing”, Kai Hwang & Faye Briggs, McGraw hill, 1985

                                                 BCS-103 ENGLISH COMMUNICATION

 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) -01                                                   Marks: 100 Total Credit: 04 

Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to 

● Communicate effectively and appropriately in real-life situation.

 ● Use English effectively for study purpose across the curriculum.

 ● Develop and integrate the use of the four language skills i.e. Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.

 ● Revise and reinforce structure already learnt. 

● Understand the usage of grammar. 


Fundamental of Communication: Definition, Importance, Process, Form of Communication, Dimension of Communication, Channels of Communication, Barriers of Communication, Qualities of a good communicator.


Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication: Audio/Visual Communication, Effective Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication: Kinesics, Proxemics, Paralanguage, Activity: Short Classroom presentation.


 Listening Skill and Self-Assessment: Definition and Importance, Intelligent Listening, Barriers of Listening and qualities of overcoming barriers, SWOT analysis. 


Writing Skills: Use of Grammars, brief description & detailed Illustrations, Business correspondence, Presentations, Report Writing, Projects, notice and Circulars.


 Communication Skills: Effective Use of Communication Skills(Practical Approach) Basics of Phonetics, Presentation Skill-Do’s and Don’ts, Extempore, Debate, Role Plays, Interview, Group Discussion. 


1. P K Agrawal and AK Mishra, Business Communication, SahityaBhawan Publication. 

2. Vinod Mishra and Narendra Sukla, Business Communication, SBPD Publishing House.

 3. N Gupta and P Mahajan, Business Communication, SahityaBhawan Publication. 

                                               BCS-104 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS

 Generic Elective (GE): 01                                                                                                 Marks: 100 Total Credit: 04 

Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to 

● Understand the concept of input and output devices and the basic terminologies used in the computer. 

● Understand the Programming, flow chart symbols, complete and correct flow chart algorithms, create a program based on a flow chart.

 ● Identify categories of programs, system software and applications. Organize and work with files and folders

 ● Utilize the Internet Web resources and evaluate on-line e-business system.

 ● Solve common business problems using appropriate Information Technology applications and systems. 


Introduction to Computer: Concept of data and information, History of computer, Generation and Classification of computers, Organization of computers, Input and output devices, Storage devices. 


Introduction to Programming: Introduction and evolution of programming language, types of programming language, characteristics of a good programming language, programming paradigms: procedural oriented and object oriented programming. Planning the computer program: algorithm, representation of algorithms, flowchart, flowchart symbols, advantages and limitations of flowchart, Pseudo code: definition, pseudo codes for basic control structures, advantages and limitations of pseudo code. 


Software & its types: Software and its need, types of software: system software, application software, utility software, firmware, middleware; Software development life cycle (SDLC). Software Engineering: Definition, need, goal, principles.


Introduction to Internet: Definition, history of internet, basic services of internet, uses of internet, internet search engine; Internet security: firewall, encryption.


Application of IT: IT in business, Industry, home, education, entertainment, science, engineering and medicine. Ecommerce, M-commerce.

 Latest IT trends: Artificial intelligence, Data mining, Cloud computing, Big Data.


 1. “Computer Fundamentals”, P.K. Sinha, BPB Publication

 2. “Fundamental of computer “, V. Rajaraman, PHI Publication

 3. “Introduction to information technology”, V. Rajaraman, PHI Publication 

4. “Information Technology today” , S. Jaiswal

 5. “Fundamental of IT”, Leon and Leon , Leon Tec world

 6. “Introduction to Information Technology”, Aksoy and Denardis, Cengage learning.

                                               BCS-105 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS LAB

 Generic Elective (GE-01):(P)                                                                                                  Marks: 100 Total Credit: 02 Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to

  Learn Modern office activities and their software requirements. 

 Create a new Word document and formatting a document using MS-WORD.

  Create an electronic spreadsheet using MS-Excel, familiarize oneself with Excel’s basic and advance features. 

 Create a slide show presentation and explore the Microsoft Office PowerPoint environment. Practical exercises based on MS Office/ Open Office tools using document preparation and spreadsheet handling packages. 

                                                                   MS Word

 1. Prepare a grocery list having four columns (Serial number, the name of the product, quantity and price) for the month of April, 06.

 • Font specifications for Title (Grocery List): 14-point Arial font in bold and italics. • The headings of the columns should be in 12-point and bold.

 • The rest of the document should be in 10-point Times New Roman.

 • Leave a gap of 12-points after the title. 

2. Create a telephone directory. 

• The heading should be 16-point Arial Font in bold. 

• The rest of the document should use 10-point font size.

 • Other headings should use 10-point Courier New Font. 

• The footer should show the page number as well as the date last updated.

 3. Design a time-table form for your college. 

• The first line should mention the name of the college in 16-point Arial Font and should be bold.

 • The second line should give the course name/teacher‘s name and the department in 14-point Arial.

 • Leave a gap of 12-points.

 • The rest of the document should use 10-point Times New Roman font. 

• The footer should contain your specifications as the designer and date of creation. 

4. XYZ Publications plans to release a new book designed as per your syllabus. Design the First page of the book as per the given specifications. 

• The title of the book should appear in bold using 20-point Arial font.

 • The name of the author and his qualifications should be in the center of the page in 16-point Arial font. 

• At the bottom of the document should be the name of the publisher and address in 16-point Times New Roman. 

• The details of the offices of the publisher (only location) should appear in the footer.

 5. Create the following one page documents. 

 Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, including a list of things to bring with them. 

 Design a certificate in landscape orientation with a border around the document.

 Design a Garage Sale sign. 

 Make a sign outlining your rules for your bedroom at home, using a numbered list.

 6. Create the following documents: 

 A newsletter with a headline and 2 columns in portrait orientation, including at least one image surrounded by text. 

 Use a newsletter format to promote upcoming projects or events in your classroom or college.

7. Convert following text to a table, using comma as delimiter Type the following as shown (do not bold).

 Color, Style, Item 

Blue, A980, Van

 Red, X023, Car

 Green, YL724, Truck 

Name, Age, Sex 

Bob, 23, M 

Linda, 46, F

 Tom, 29, M 


                                                            BCS-106 PC PACKAGE  

Generic Elective (GE): 01                                                                                                    Marks: 100 Total Credit: 04 Course Outcome: At the end of course, Students will be able to 

● Identify the parts of the Windows operating system and uses of common Windows OS elements.

 ● Learn Modern office activities and their software requirements.

● Create a new Word document and formatting a document using MS-WORD.

 ● Create an electronic spreadsheet using MS-Excel, familiarize oneself with Excel’s basic and advance features.

● Create slide show presentation concepts and explore the Microsoft Office PowerPoint environment. 

● Use Microsoft Office programs to create personal, academic and business documents following current professional and/or industry standards


Introduction:Overview of Windows Operating System, Basic Operations- How to start a computer, login, How to logoff, hibernate, shutdown etc. 

Personalizing Desktop- Desktop Background, Icon, Screen Saver ,Themes, Setting date & time, Task bar. 

Files & Folders – Create, Copy, Rename, Moving & Delete, Create & Using Shortcuts, Recycle Bin. 

Accessories – MS Paint, Notepad, WordPad, Windows Media Player, Calculator, Games, Math Input Panel. 

Using Control Panel – How to Install Program in Windows 8.1, How to uninstall Program, How to Install and Uninstall Fonts in Windows 8.1, Enhance the performance of computer, Using Disk Clean-up, Using Disk Derangement, Using Windows Update, Protecting your computer against viruses. 

Using Internet in Windows: Basic Operations using Internet Browser, Working with browsers, Search Engines, Searching information on Wikipedia, , Online Ticket Booking, Apply for PAN Card, How to apply for online Passport, How to Apply for online Aadhar Card, Pay electricity bill, How to pay service tax online, Booking gas refill online, Downloading Ebooks.


MS Word Basics: Modern office activities and their software requirements, Introduction to Office Automation Suit, Elements of office suit & area of use, Word-processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation graphics, Database, Introduction and comparison of various office suites like Apache Open Office, Libre Office, Calligra Suite, WPS office, KOffice, Google Docs 

MS Word Basics: Introduction to MS Office (2013), Introduction to MS Word, Features & area of use, Various versions of MS Office and their requirements, Working with MS Word, Menus & Commands, Customize the Ribbon, Toolbars & Buttons, Shortcut Menus, Wizards & Templates, Creating a New Document, Different Page layouts, Different Page View, Applying various Text Enhancements- Fonts, Styles, Text Attributes, Formatting Your Text and Documents: Auto format, Paragraph Formatting, Page Formatting, Line spacing, Margins, Borders and Shading, Tabs, Indents, Text Editing using various features, Bullets and Numbering, Working with Styles, How to add a Style in text, How to remove style in Gallery, How to Create a New Style, How to Modify a Style, Printing & various print options , Working with Headers and Footers, How to Add Header and footer.


MS Word 

Advanced: Advanced Features of MS Word : Spell Check, Thesaurus, Find & Replace, Auto texts, Auto Correct, Symbols, Working with Columns, Tabs, Indents, Margins & Space management in Document, Column, Section Breaks, Adding References, Using footnote and endnote in documents, Using Themes, Watermarks, inserting Equations & Symbols, Taking and inserting Screen shots in Documents, Mail Merge: Mail Merge in MS Word, Mail Merge concept, Envelops, Mailing Labels, Importing data, exporting to and from various formats. Macros in MS Word: Macro introduction and their use, recording macros, Editing macros, running a macro. 


MS Excel: 

MS Excel Spreadsheet Basics & features, Concepts of Workbook & Worksheets, Getting started, Creating a new worksheet, Using Wizards, Various Data Types, Selecting cells, Entering and editing text, Entering and editing Numbers, Removing & Resizing of Columns & Rows, Entering and Editing Formulas, Referencing cells, moving cells, copying cells, sorting cell data, inserting rows, inserting columns, Inserting cells, deleting parts of a worksheet, clearing parts of a worksheet, different view of worksheets. Formatting: Page setup, Cell Formatting, changing column widths and Row heights, Auto format , changing font sizes and Attributes, Centering text across columns, using border buttons and Commands, changing colors and shading, hiding rows and columns, Working with Data & Ranges, Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting, Merge Cells. Charts: Chart parts and terminology, chart wizard, different types of charts, printing charts, deleting charts, linking in spreadsheet, Printing of Workbook & Worksheets with various options. 


MS PowerPoint:

 Introduction & area of use, Working with MS PowerPoint, Creating a New Presentation, Working with Presentation, Using Wizards, Slides & its different views, Inserting, Deleting and Copying of Slides, Working with Notes, Handouts, Columns, Lists, Adding Graphics, shapes, screenshots, SmartArt, Charts in presentation, Sounds and Movies to a Slide, Working with PowerPoint Objects Designing, Presentation of a Slide Show, change Slide backgrounds, Change Slide Size, Using Animation, Transitions in presentation, Advanced Slide options Manual & Automatic, Printing Presentations, Notes, Handouts with print options, Slide Master, Handout Master, Notes Master. 


1. Mastering MS Office 2000, Professional Edition by Counter, BPB Publication.

 2. MS Office 2000 Training Guide by Maria, BPB Publication. 

3. PC Software, Ravi Taxalli , BPB. 

4. Computer Fundamental by P. K. Sinha

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