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Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya M.Sc. II semester Syllabus

 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya M.Sc. II semester Syllabus

 Advanced JAVA


Core Java: 

History and Evolution of JAVA, Overview of JAVA, Java Magic, JDK and JRE, Java SE and EE, Different IDE for writing JAVA program like Eclipse, NetBeans etc. Primitive Data Types, Variables, Array, operators, control statement, classes and objects, Abstract Classes, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Method Overriding, Method Overloading, Constructors, Keyword super, this, final, static, Packages and Interfaces, Multi threading and Exception Handling. 


 JAVA Applet and Packages: 

Applet class, Event Handling, AWT, Exploring JAVA Packages: java.lang, java.util, 


 Network-Socket Programming and JDBC:

 Introduction to Collections, Java Serialization, Network Programming, Socket Programming, Socket for client and server, Processing E-Mails with Java: Protocols and Servers, Creating Mailer, Writing the Mail Sender. Database Using JDBC: Concept, JDBC Driver Types, JDBC package, Establishing a database connection and executing SQL statements, Introduction to Swing, Introdction to Remote Method Invocation (RMI). 


 Java Server Page (JSP):

 Basics of Servlet, writing simple program in servlet, Introduction to Java Server Page (JSP), Embedding Java Code into HTML, Implicit JSP Objects, Overview of the JSP Tags, Directives, Declarations, Expressions, Deploying Servlet and JSP, JSTL. 


 JAVA, XML and Advance API:.

 Java and XML, XML syntax, Document type definition, Parsers, Simple API for XML (SAX), JAVA API for XML Processing (JAXP), Introduction, Types and Benefits of EJB, EJB Containers, Deploying EJB, Introduction to the Java Persistence API, Overview of Spring, Model View Controller (MVC).Introduction to Struts, JavaFX and Hibernate.

 Text /Reference Books: 

1. The Complete Reference JAVA, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill publication, 5 th Edition. 

 2. Advance JAVA, Gajendra Gupta, Firewall Media, 1st Edition, 2006. 

 3. JAVA network programming, Elliotte Rusty Harold, O’Reilly Publication, 3rd Edition.

 4. Core Java for Beginners, Rashmi Kanta Das, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

 5. JAVA in a Nutshell, David Flanagan, O’Reilly Publication, 5th Edition. 

 6. Learning JAVA, Patrik Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, O’Reilly Publication, 3rd edition. 

 7. Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook, Bruce W. Perry, O’Reilly Publication, 1st Edition. 

 8. Enterprise JAVA beans 3.1, Andrew Lee Rubinger and Bill Burke, O’Reilly Publication, 6th Edition. 

 9. The Struts Frameworks: Practical guide for Java Programmers, Sue Spielman, Murgan Kaufmann publisher.

Lab-2: Advanced Java

1.Write a java program to create an abstract class named shape that contains two

integers and an empty method named printArea() Provide three classes named

Rectangle,, Triangle and Circle such that cach one of the classes extends the class

shape. Each one of the class contains only the method printArea() that print the

area of the given shape.

2.Write a Java program that implements a multithreaded program that has three

threads. First thread generates a random integer every 1 second and if the value is

even, the second thread computes the square of the number and prints. If the value

is odd the third thread will print the value of the cube of the number.

3.Write a Java program that correctly implements the producer - consumer problem

using the concept of inter-thread communication. (use of synchronize)

4.Write an applet program that displays a rainbow pattern using applet viewer and

command Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and

computes its factorial Value and prompt.

5.Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and computes its

factorial Value and returns it in another text field, when the button named

"Compute" is clicked.

6.Write a program in java which creates a list containing at least 3 states of india.On

the click of any state, the capital of that state should be displayed in a text field.

7.Write a java program which creates a list containing ice cream flavours. On

selection of any flavor price should be displayed in a text field.

8.Write a java program to demonstrate Borderlayout.

9.Write a java program to demonstrate Gridlayout.

10. Write a program in java which takes name,age from user.On click of the button and display a message on label "user is eligible to vote or not".

11. Write a JDBC program to create a table product (id number, name varchar, price

varchar) and insert a record in the table.

12, Write a program to execute a select query using JDBC.

13. Write a program to execute an Update query using JDBC.

14. Write a server program to return the square root of a number to the client using


15. Write a server program lo return Dale and time to clients using socket


16. Write a JDBC program to accept empid as command line argument. And display

the name of employee who is getting highest salary from employee table


17. Write a swing program containing 3 text fields. First text field accepts Last name

and second text field accepts First name. On click of button full name is displayed

in third box.

18. Write a java program that accepts a computer name as a command line argument

and to display name and to display its Inet Address.

19. Write a servlet program to display cookie id.

20. Write a JSP program for basic arithmetic functions.

21. Write a JAVA bean program to generate plain texts.


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