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Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya M.Sc. IV semester Syllabus

 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya M.Sc. IV semester Syllabus

Department of Computer Science & Application Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C. G.) Scheme and Syllabus Five Years Integrated B.Sc./M.Sc.(Computer Science)/ M.Sc. (Computer Science) Xth Semester and IVth Semester

Important Guidelines for Major Project 

 A project report has to be submitted as per the rules described below:

 1. Number of Copies: The student should submit One hard bound copy of the Project Report with one RW/CD/DVD. 

2. No of students: Every student has to submit separate project. 

 3. Acceptance / Rejection of Project Report: The student must submit a project report to the Head of Department/Project Guide for approval. The Head of Department/Project Guide holds the right to accept the project or suggest modifications for resubmission. 

4. Format of the Project Report :

The student must adhere strictly to the following format for the submission of the Project Report

 I. Paper: The report shall be typed on white paper, A4 size or continuous computer stationary bond, for the final submission. The report to be submitted to the University must be original and subsequent copies may be photocopied on any paper. 

II. Typing: The typing shall be of standard letter size, double-spaced and on one side of the paper only, using black ribbons and black carbons. 

III. Margins: The typing must be done in the following margins Left ----- 35mm, Right ----- 20mm Top ----- 35mm, Bottom ----- 20mm 

IV. Binding: The Report shall be Rexene bound in black. Plastic, spiral bound Project Reports not be accepted.

 V. Front Cover: The front cover should contain the following details:

 TOP : The title in block capitals of 6mm to 15mm letters. 

CENTER : Full name in block capitals of 6mm to 10mm letters. 

BOTTOM : Name of the University, year of submission- all in block capitals of 6mm to 10mm letters on separate lines with proper spacing and centring. 

VI. Blank Sheets: At the beginning and end of the report , two white black bound papers should be provided, one for the purpose of binding and other to be left blank. 

5. Abstract: Every report should have an abstract following the Institute’s Certificate. The abstract shall guide the reader by highlighting the important material contained in the individual chapters, section, subsection etc. 

6. Certificates etc: The report should contain the following: 

i. Certificate from Company

 ii. Institute Certificate: Successful completion of project by competent authority.

 iii. Acknowledgment

 iv. List of Figures

 v. Tables

 vi. Nomenclature and Abbreviations 

7. Contents of the Project Report: The project report must contain following in form of chapter, however student may include any other relevant chapter(s):

 i. Company Profile: This chapter should highlight the company details. This would be chapter 1 and should include the main stream activity of the company, the product line of the company and the details of the department where the student has carried out his/her project work. This should not exceed two pages or 800 words.

 ii. Introduction to the project: This chapter shall highlight the purpose of project work, it will also define the chapters to be followed in the Project Report. 

iii. Scope of work: Brief scope of the project work done 

 iv. Existing System and Need for proposed System: If there is some system already in use, then give brief detail of it in order to help to understand the enhancements carried out by the student in the existing system. 

 v. Operating Environment: Hardware and Software required and used

 vi. Proposed System: Which may contain following: 

 a. Objectives to be fulfilled: clearly define the objective(s) of the system. 

b. User Requirements: State the requirements of the use in an unambiguous manner.

c. Requirements Determination Techniques and Systems Analysis Methods Employed: Use the formal methods to describe the requirements of the use like Fact Finding Methods, Decision Analysis, Data Flow Analysis etc.

d. Prototyping: If the prototypes has been developed prior to the detailed design, then give details of the prototype. 

e. System Feature: Which includes as follows: 

 • Module specifications

 • D.F.D. and ER 

• System flow charts

 • Data Dictionary

 • Structure charts

 • Database /File layouts

 • Design of Input Design of Output screens and reports

 • User Interfaces

 • Design of Control Procedures

 8. Testing procedures and Implementation phase

 9. Problems encountered, Drawbacks and Limitations 

10. Proposed Enhancements/ Future enhancement

 11. Conclusions 

12. Bibliography 


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